Senate GOP Affirms Support For Israel

Senate GOP Affirms Support For Israel

Biden Administration Scraps Several Alaska Arctic Refuge Oil And Gas Leases

Biden Administration Scraps Several Alaska Arctic Refuge Oil And Gas Leases

Biden OKs Major Willow Oil Drilling In Alaska Over Protests

Biden OKs Major Willow Oil Drilling In Alaska Over Protests

Senators Discuss 7-Day Trip To Abraham Accords Caucus Member Countries

Senators Discuss 7-Day Trip To Abraham Accords Caucus Member Countries

Landmark Same-Sex Marriage Bill Wins Senate Passage

Landmark Same-Sex Marriage Bill Wins Senate Passage

Senate Advances Respect For Marriage Act In Bipartisan 62-37 Vote

Senate Advances Respect For Marriage Act In Bipartisan 62-37 Vote

Biden Signs International Climate Deal On Refrigerants

Biden Signs International Climate Deal On Refrigerants

Senate Votes Overwhelmingly To Let Sweden, Finland Join NATO

Senate Votes Overwhelmingly To Let Sweden, Finland Join NATO

Senate Set To Vote To Ratify Adding Sweden, Finland To NATO

Senate Set To Vote To Ratify Adding Sweden, Finland To NATO

GOP Tax Plan Filled With Special Interest Provisions

GOP Tax Plan Filled With Special Interest Provisions

Pruitt In Hot Seat On Capitol Hill During Confirmation Hearing

Pruitt In Hot Seat On Capitol Hill During Confirmation Hearing

Motorcycle Wreck Victim Identified As Former Norman Police Officer

Motorcycle Wreck Victim Identified As Former Norman Police Officer

Former GRDA Executive Files Lawsuit Against Agency, CEO

Former GRDA Executive Files Lawsuit Against Agency, CEO

Governor Appoints Grove Banker To GRDA Board Of Directors

Governor Appoints Grove Banker To GRDA Board Of Directors

Tulsa Mayor Resigns Spot On Grand River Dam Authority Board

Tulsa Mayor Resigns Spot On Grand River Dam Authority Board

Tulsa County Undersheriff To Retire, Accepts Job As GRDA Chief Of Law Enforcement

Tulsa County Undersheriff To Retire, Accepts Job As GRDA Chief Of Law Enforcement

Recount Changes Outcome Of Oklahoma House Race

Recount Changes Outcome Of Oklahoma House Race

Governor Issues Statement Concerning GRDA Audit, Oklahoma Impact Investigation

Governor Issues Statement Concerning GRDA Audit, Oklahoma Impact Investigation